There ought to be
an even playing field,
between humans
and the undead.
What gives them
the right to molest us,
when we're sound asleep
in bed?
Sound asleep, I was,
my strength
from work-
all but spent;
When a vampire
unknown to me, bit
my neck, then
out the window went.
It was all
so depressing,
it was so surreal,
it left me truly blue;
The ordeal was so
very unexpected and
out of the ordinary,
what was I to do.
Call the police?
Don't make me laugh,
they would
treat me as insane;
Call the doctor,
and show him
the fang marks that
I could not explain-
How they got there,
not to mention
how the blood
from my neck was drained.
The marks were worse
than a hickee
from a lover's kiss
or poisonous snake bite.
I Think you get my
distress and meaning;
distress and meaning;
the only recourse
was to fight.
How do we even up
the playing field-
is there a true remedy
for our plight?
Writers of this genre
offer crucifix, and spike;
but can these truly overcome
a hungry vampire's might.
I racked my brain for days,
for a solution I did seek;
then the solution came to me-
to one so mild and meek.
When the vampire did return
and bit me,
I bit him back-
then much to my surprise;
Wearing a grin he drained me;
he drained me completely dry.
Then afterward he fed me and
commanded me, "Arise!"
So, I write this poem to warn you,
gentle readers all;
heed the words of this vampire,
lest upon you, my fate, will fall.
Don't take the undead forgranted...
D.M.W. January 12, 2013
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